Law firm for Film and Media


Berit Norrenberg


Berit Norrenberg (née Wetzel)


qualified in 1999

Berit Norrenberg has many years of experience in copyright and media law. She advises in all areas of media law, with a special emphasis on all questions about film. Berit Norrenberg has acted as both an in house counsel and partner in private practice for national and international production enterprises and media houses. As a result, she has experience of all aspects of legal issues arising in film matters ranging from finance, production, distribution to protection of rights.

Key Practice Areas

Copyright and media law, especially in the sectors of film production and film distribution


German, English, French

  • Studied law at the Universities of Passau, Toulouse/France (Diplôme d'Etudes de l 'Union Européenne) and Munich
  • Corporate counsel at the KirchGroup
  • Salary partner at the law firm Beiten Burkhardt
  • Head of business and legal affairs of a media fund
  • Working in private practice since 2005

Berit Norrenberg specialized in film and media law from the start of her legal career, including her time at the film specialised law firms of Gaedertz Vieregge Quack Kreile and Schwarz Rechtsanwälte as well as at the European filmfunding institution Media Antenne München.

During her time at the KirchGroup she was responsible for distribution- and licensing- as well as co-production agreements, especially with French partners. After joining the international law firm Beiten Burkhardt in Munich in 2000 as salaried partner, she was responsible for the film department until 2005. By advising large national and international film funds, Berit Norrenberg acquired expertise of the American media industry. In addition, her practice in the law firm included publishing law and all other aspects of media law. After acting as head of legal and business affairs of a film fund for several years, Berit Norrenberg began work as an independent lawyer focussing exclusively on film and media law in 2005.

She advises national and international film- and TV-producers, studios and distributors in all matters of copyright and media law. Her main area of expertise comprises the development, financing, production and distribution of national and international film projects. She also advises world distributors with regard to international licenses.

Norrenberg Rechtsanwälte
Herzog-Wilhelm-Strasse 27
80331 München

Phone: + 49 89 24 21 50 4-12
Fax: + 49 89 24 21 50 4-19

Further information: IMDB